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  • Glenalina Road, Belfast, BT12 7JG

Learning at Home

Partnership with parents

Parental involvement eases the transition from home into the Nursery setting and we welcome and value the support of parents during the nursery school year. We realise that for the partnership between staff and parents to be effective there must be mutual understanding and respect, a continuing dialogue and a sharing of information and knowledge. We realise that if parental involvement is not developed at the onset of the educative process, then a valuable resource will be lost.  We communicate with parents in the following ways:

  • Newsletters each month
  • Song sheet each month
  • Family support worker each Friday
  • Lending library
  • Volunteer readers and helpers on a regular basis
  • Two reports and two formal parent's meetings
  • Informal discussion's each morning and afternoon
  • Invite to Christmas Nativity, sports day and school trip
  • Welcome board in hallway with information for parents
  • Welcome room for parents to use at any time during the school day

Time together activity every Friday

Lending library every Friday



MyHappyMind is an emotional wellbeing programme designed to help children develop good habits in relation to their mental health.  The programme explores 'emotions' and how to deal with them.  It also helps parents and staff to develop resiliance
